Watch now | This ep. is just me reading one of my stories. I know, it's weird, but maybe you'll think it's cool, maybe you'll be like "damn, stories are kinda cool!" Maybe not. Either way, that's what this is.
I was captivated, and your style felt like a unique combination of Thomas Pynchon, William Gibson, and Satoshi Kon (and the ending made me think of the end of Akiria). I love how you blended vivid description with subtle allusion, and the pacing, which mapped a slow, inevitable creep of Lillith, was well designed. I liked also when the core group began fragmenting with disagreement over Lilith—I think that’s true to life. And boy, if this is just the lead-in…very impressive. I’m looking forward to more!
I was captivated, and your style felt like a unique combination of Thomas Pynchon, William Gibson, and Satoshi Kon (and the ending made me think of the end of Akiria). I love how you blended vivid description with subtle allusion, and the pacing, which mapped a slow, inevitable creep of Lillith, was well designed. I liked also when the core group began fragmenting with disagreement over Lilith—I think that’s true to life. And boy, if this is just the lead-in…very impressive. I’m looking forward to more!